EP04 : What you eat today is your tomorrow. By Dietcian and Nutritionist Sonam Jain

SONAM JAIN is a SRCC graduate who pursed her interest in nutrition and is working in the health industry from last 10 years ! She aims at building a stronger you for a better tomorrow !!!

She has helped over 5000+ people across the globe! She specialises in post pregnancy weight loss + Child nutrition. Her food guidance is based on science of aryuveda and naturopathy..

Sonam has been awarded by honarable prime minister as “Bharat ki Laxmi” in 2019 ! And more than her experience her passion towards her work counts ! Today she will be sharing some very important and practical tips. As food that you will eat today will reflect tomorrow on your health…

It sounds a little crazy, but what you eat today may determine how psychologically good you feel tomorrow. Eating junk like maida, candy potato chips can leave you feeling depressed low and unhappy. It is all about our eating habits and routine we follow during this covid times for a healthy us.